Sunday 7 September 2014

Blue, Red & Infrared Light Therapy For Acne

Did you know that you can use the amazing Deesse Mask to effectively treat acne?  The Blue light has an anti-microbial effect, it kills the acne causing bacteria while the Red and Infrared lights help with wound healing thus the reduction of scarring.
It is non-invasive, no side effects, cost effective and it is safe to be used daily. And best of all you can use it in the comfort of your own home.
We have them in stock at
The products that we sell:
Silk’n SensEpil XL – Permanent Hair Removal
Skin Science Eosika – Permanent Hair Removal
Silk’n Clear – Acne Treatment
Oaze LED Helmet – Laser Hair Regrowth
EyeRejuv – Skin Rejuvenation For The Eye Area
Deesse Mask – Skin Rejuvenation For The Face
HomeTech Beauty
P.O. Box 171 Coomera Queensland 4209 Australia
Toll free: 1300 55 89 82


  1. While light therapy can be done in a clinical setting, including in a physician's office or hospital, treatments typically have to be performed daily for the best outcomes. Learn more about Nail Care - on this site.

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  5. Large and unsightly warts are also very detrimental Hydralyft to your looks. So if they are visible, causing you pain or putting your loved ones at risk of infection, then it is a good idea to remove them. Warts are usually rounded growths on the skin that have an uneven surface. They are usually grey or white in color and can vary in size from a tiny pinprick to a large lump. Warts are caused by viruses in the skin which develop. Occasionally they are seen in the intimate areas of the body and inside on organs such as your bladder or inside the mouth. The virus is usually contracted via a incision or scratch in the skin. It lies dormant for a while until it develops into a wart. Warts can often disappear of their own accord but if they are in more delicate areas such as the genitals or on the hands then they can be very stubborn and last for a long time. From time to time they appear on infants or young children. When this happens they can last even longer. They have even been known to remain for years or never to disappear at all.

  6. But, the parents and teachers Memory Hack can always do something about this even without the proper training. It's important that the teachers understand the behavior of ADHD children. These children need more personalized teaching to stimulate concentration and must be given more detailed instructions, extra effort and tenderness to make them respond positively in class activities. To minimize hyperactivity associated with ADHD in the classroom, the teacher must always give him a special task to concentrate on which should be interesting also to him. This strategy will be very effective in controlling hyperactivity while developing his learning capabilities. At home, the parents must also employ the same approach, preparing interesting activities for the child to do and giving appropriate food which can help him in enhancing focus. Some food such as sugar and caffeine, which are considered stimulants, should be minimized or eliminated from his diet to promote calmness and reduce hyperactivity. There are also natural remedies for minimizing symptoms of ADHD in the classroom. The use of homeopathic remedies, which are commonly used nowadays, are also helpful in treating ADHD. These natural products can be used for a lifetime without side effects.

  7. Dissolve the chemical bonds that hold the dead outer layer of skin (called the stratum corneum) together. These old skin cells will then slough off over the few days following the treatment. The end result is smoother, brighter, healthier looking skin. Dissolve any dirt and debris that your cleanser isn't regularly removing, especially the dirt and debris down deep in your pores. The end result is smaller pores. Stimulate new collagen formation. The acid will cause microscopic irritation to the deeper layers of skin which results in new collagen formation. The end result is smoother, younger looking skin Dissolve unwanted pigment. Mild sun spots can fade with regular chemical peels. The procedure is best performed by a master esthetician - a skin care specialist who has been specifically trained in the art of chemical peels. Master estheticians working in doctor's offices are allowed to perform more aggressive peels using higher concentrations of the acids (as opposed to estheticians working at day spas or salons). Higher acid concentrations will achieve better results. The procedure itself is very simple. Following several cleansing steps, a thin layer of the liquid acid is gently applied to the skin using a gauze pad. Depending on the type of chemical peel, more than one layer or type of acid can be applied. The acid is allowed to sit on the skin for several minutes before it is washed off.

  8. Russell Barkley, PhD, an ADHD expert, has said that Memory Hack Predominantly Inattentive ADHD is the 'true' ADD. He has studied the inattentive subtype and has found that their main symptom is a deficit in attention. They tend to not be hyperactive or impulsive and they respond to treatment differently. They also have different comorbidities and different long term problems. ADD is the old medical term for ADHD; it is also the term that many people use to refer to what doctors now call Predominantly Inattentive ADHD. When the scientific and Medical community changed the terminology from ADD to ADHD they meant for these terms to be used interchangeably. Some of the lay community, however, has adopted the ADD term to describe patients with inattentiveness without hyperactivity. There is a difference between what Russell Barkley's called 'true' ADD and ADHD. When people use the term ADD to describe individuals with ADHD, they should be asked if what they mean is that the person has the most common types of ADHD, or if what they really mean is that the person has Predominantly Inattentive ADHD. ADHD-PI is quite different from the other subtypes of ADHD and understanding the intended meaning of these two terms is important.

  9. Third, it's important to look for a product with The Memory Hack a money-back guarantee. This indicates a company that stands behind their product because they believe in it and know they have done the research to prove that their formulation is effective. A good ADHD herbal treatment will help your child to feel better and do better at home and in school without worries about side effects. Using these products is one of the best ways to insure that your child enjoys a happy childhood in which he or she can play, laugh, and learn and feel like just another kid. Like you, many parents are looking for natural ways to treat ADHD. Some of these parents are afraid of the risks and long term effects of drugs while others have kids whose symptoms got worse by taking the recommended drugs. Other parents just prefer a natural approach because it fits with their current lifestyle. Whatever your reason, read this article and you will find out more about the natural approach.Any natural method is incomplete without a sound diet as its foundation. A healthy diet will make any treatment plan more effective. When you give the body the nutrients it needs to function properly, it roots out dysfunction and heals itself more quickly. When you feed the brain what it needs to produce feel-good neurotransmitters, this helps create a balanced mood, especially when you also steer clear of chemicals and preservatives that can adversely affect the brain.

  10. Two examples- We all have a normal, healthy desire to Memory Hack be loved and accepted, especially by those closest to us. However, when this need is expanded into a feeling that everyone must like and approve of us at all times and if they do not that we are failing terribly as human beings, then it has crossed the line and become a neurotic attitude. Healthy effort becomes neurotic "workaholism" when you must always give 150%....not just in a crisis. Some other abiding needs and behaviors that might be considered neurotic would be: The need for a partner who will solve all of lifes problems: Grows out of normal need for love, partnership and assistance. The tendency to restrict oneself, to be satisfied with very little or to remain inconspicuous: Grows out of normal need to move cautiously, delay gratification. The need to be powerful and controlling, contemptuous of weakness and irrationality: Grows out of normal need to have others behave in a reasonable rational way. The need to get the better of others or to exploit them: Grows out of normal need to have influence over others. A desperate need for admiration, recognition and prestige, or a fear of being ignored: Grows out of normal need to be recognized and appreciated by others.

  11. In The Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol Review, you will come to know of many practices used to cure the problem of hemorrhoids forever. They have mentioned about what food to intake, exercises to do and natural remedies too.
